On our geocaching podcast today, we take you along with us, TravelCaching in Georgia. We're going to cover the Going Caching 2015 event(s), and all the amazing fun, puzzles, costumes, adventure and more!
Listen To The Show (1:15:59)
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Links mentioned in the show
Track Which Houses Give out the Best Halloween Candy with a DIY GPS Tracker
It's All Just Trivial
Going Caching 2015
NEXT YEAR: Going Caching 2016
Merry-making geocachers march into Rome; 1,000+ Going Caching in Renaissance garb
BIG THANKS to our SPONSORS for the Georgia Going Caching Trip
Dream It Reel
Tampa Bay Geocaching Store
Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites
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PodCacher Presents... Unique Media Packages full of travel-caching fun!
Georgia Going Caching - If you attended: email us for a discount code!
Northwest Adventure
Geowoodstock XIII
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The post Show 531.0: Going Caching 2015 appeared first on PodCacher: Geocaching Goodness.